I just completed an exciting promotional trip to London for Comatose. Thanks to my wonderful publicist Ben Cameron and his firm Cameron Publicity, in 7 days, I completed 7 radio interviews with the following BBC stations:

During each 10 minute interview, I had a lively discussion with the presenter on topics including:
– What is lucid dreaming?
– What does the scientific community understand about why we sleep and how dreams fit in?
– Using lucid dreaming for visualisations and to fuel creativity (e.g., Paul McCartney), problem solving (e.g., Dimitri Mendeleev), and fiction writing (e.g., me, Mary Shelley)
– A discussion on my debut fiction novel Comatose and where listeners can find my book
– Tips for better sleep and how to potentially achieve lucid dreaming
I’m sincerely honoured for the friendly nature of each presenter and their genuine curiosity for the topic.
Links for each individual segment will be added and featured on my social media channels and this website in the upcoming week or two.
Overall, I had an amazing experience and I look forward to future opportunities to share more about my writing, health focus on sleep, and my creative projects inspired by my lucid dreaming.